One of my new waters this year and what a cracking looking place it is,
A 42 acre pit very mature with overhanging and fallen trees, islands, bays for stalking, Lilly pads and lots of weed, Everything i would want if I were to build my ideal carp lake. Stock wise there’s 4-6 40’s, with a good head of mid 30’s including some old stunning leney’s.
My first 48hr session on here ended short because the carp started spawning on the second day.
A few weeks later and with the spawning hopefully out the way I’m ready to do battle again I’m fishing Friday – Sunday, I’ve kept an eye on the weather forecast all week and if things stay as it should the pressure is set to drop slightly and hopefully the fish will get there heads down, Friday can’t come quick enough I arrive at the lake about 9am on a mild N/westerly wind.
I’ve got my trusty companion and fish finder KiKi my Frenchie with me and we waste no time checking swims whilst walking the lake, there doesn’t seem to be many anglers on which is always a good thing as you get more of a peg choice, options to move swims and less angling pressure always helps, a quick chat with a few anglers and apart from the odd tench nothing’s been out in over a week.
There’s a long (200y) banana shaped island that runs almost the length of the main body of the lake as I’m walking back I notice a few fish cruising close to it but they seem to be heading to the opposite end of the lake ? I no a nice swim called the mound were I can target a few spots near to the island which they will have to pass to get around to the other side but once they’ve passed they will become un-fishable, luckily it’s empty so it’s back to the car to unload the gear.

First cast hits the clip and with a light thud I’m bang on the spot a few seconds later the PVA foam surfaces and I’m happy the rod is fishing correctly.
I find a spot for the middle rod but only scatter a few handful’s of boillie whilst the left rod is placed tight in the Margin close to a overhanging snaggy tree.
I eventually get the Bivvy set up sort the mut with food and water feed myself and chillax whilst watching the water.
The wind starts to pick up about 2pm and is pushing nicely against the last part of the island an hour later the rain comes so We take cover in the bivvy but it only lasts 15 minutes or so. I make myself a cuppa and start to browse the internet on the phone, all my dog does is sleep and I’m sure it starts to rub off on me because I find myself drifting off, I decide to catch a few winks so I’m fresh for the night if need be
It didn’t seem that long when I’m woken by my Delkim screaming there was no warning just a vicious screamer I like to fish quite a tight clutch especially on weedy waters so what ever was on the other end was not happy, I’ve got a rule when my boots are off that if my feet don’t slip straight into them on a take then they get left behind rain or snow,,,so by time I get down to the rod I notice I’ve only got one on lol. Just before I lift the rod the fish hits the surface so I now it’s dumped the lead, straight away I no I’m into a tidy fish it finds some weed but comes through after a few seconds and I’m back in control it doesn’t really fight that hard until it gets within 15yards or so from the bank then decides to try empty the spool, great fight but it’s mine and eventually rolls over the net. Buzzing that feeling you get when you land your first fish on a new lake and it looks a chunk as well. Whilst I’m sorting the sling scales and camera another angler shows up takes a look in the net and confirms it’s a fish called “The Football” , I get it in the sling and it’s 36lb “that will do me nicely” a few pictures and I slip it back well chuffed. The rest of the session is quiet with no fish out the rest of the weekend but I’m not too bothered and drive home a happy man.
Jason Massay