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Catch and release is the home of some of the UKs best and brightest carp bloggers out on the bank. With most of the country covered by one of our productive team we aim to bring our experiences and exploits in written and video form. There will be loads of hints, tips and some great laughs along the way. We hope to provide you with a first hand view of our dedicated team as they take on all sorts of waters with many different styles.
Join us in our journeys as we tackle waters big and small in a quest for our targets. May they be big or may they be beautiful we aim to take you along for the ride.
Browse the site and enjoy and always remember 

  1. April 2014

    Posted by
    Well despite my best intentions to actually go fishing this month. I’ve again failed to be consistent, Although I have managed a few sessions. I started the month full of optimism as I was finally heading to my new syndicate water, for what would be only my second session on...
  2. March 2014

    Posted by
     Although Spring is one of my favourite times of year to go fishing. I have been bogged down with family, work and other commitments which have prevented me from being able to take full advantage of the early warm weather and excellent fishing conditions. So when my good friend Steve...
  3. Onwards and Upwards

    Posted by
    Hi all sorry it’s been a while but I have had a few personal issues to sort out. Luckily these are all done with now hopefully . Well as some of you might know I no longer run Bearslake and it was with great sadness I had to let it...
  4. Catch Up

    Posted by
    So it’s been a while since you last heard from me and my bankside antics but I’ve managed to get a quick blog done for you to keep you up to speed with where I am and what I’m doing. So finally after sorting out the personal life and getting...
  5. February 2014

    Posted by
    Apologies that this weeks piece is a week into the month. I’m finding myself getting busier and busier without realising. Thankfully the suns rays have put in a early appearance and although the winter was nowhere near as bad as the past couple of years. It’s still lovely to have...
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