With an outstanding catch record in all aspects of his angling and being renowned as a Mr Nice of the carp world Lee Merritt took time out to answer some questions for us at Catch and Release.
What’s your ultimate catch and why…
The one that sticks in my mind is Shoulders from Abbey Lakes in France, I caught her on the last night of my trip, she weighed in at 76lb 8oz,A week before she weighed 84lb, but was spawned out when I caught the fish, at the moment she weighs around 95lb.

If you had only one kilo of bait to use to fish 24 hours how would you best apply it.
That depends on the venue, But the good old solid bags work well where your time is limited and your fishing for one bite at a time.
Maggots, sweet corn and the Cell from the Mainline stable
I would have loved to have the Bulldozer from the mighty Orient.
Again be prepared, and if things are not working change things.