With only minimal fishing time on my hands over the next few weeks I’ve decided to fish a few short session’s on the Concrete jungle (The Wharf) or as it is originally known “Bute East Dock”. Situated on the fringe of Cardiff’s very busy City Centre this rectangular 900 yard stretch of water was once part of the very busy coal export industry from as early as 1855, Since then it’s been cut off from the sea undergone a major development and become a fresh water fishery with carp to 40+. A few local anglers look after the place and maintain it as much as possible with plans on making it a club water over the coming months.
Over looked by expensive apartments a pub and even a Holiday Inn it’s defiantly a bit different and a world apart from your usual rural fishing most are familiar with. Bivvy pegs are next to useless, instead screws and washers are used between the joins of block paving that make up the pathway around the lake, pods are a must and care must be taken when striking into a run because of the iron railings you need to fish your rods in between.
This place was kind to me on a few sessions i did earlier in the year landing some lovely dark Commons to 28lb and an absolute stunning 26lb fully scaled mirror amongst others.
My first day session this time around I had pre baited a spot the day before with 2kg of “The Red Ball” 16mm boilies I arrived early the following morning just before first light, by time i put the rods together two fish crashed over the baited aera Two rods quickly out on the spot with critically balanced RB cork dust popups and a handful of freebies. Within an hour one of the bobbins lifts tight,,, pauses then screams off and gives an awesome fight, A nice chunky 19lb Common well happy, but I think after the fight it put up the fish might have spooked off the swim and don’t see another fish for the rest of the day.
My first day session this time around I had pre baited a spot the day before with 2kg of “The Red Ball” 16mm boilies I arrived early the following morning just before first light, by time i put the rods together two fish crashed over the baited aera Two rods quickly out on the spot with critically balanced RB cork dust popups and a handful of freebies. Within an hour one of the bobbins lifts tight,,, pauses then screams off and gives an awesome fight, A nice chunky 19lb Common well happy, but I think after the fight it put up the fish might have spooked off the swim and don’t see another fish for the rest of the day.

The following week I’m in a swim I fished a few times back in April. Fishing close to the Bow of an old sailing ship (Eben Haezer) that’s moored there. This Dutch ship built in 1904 has a story all of itself own and even has it’s own web page (www.ebenhaezer.net ).

With this being the main feature on the water the fish often patrol around it, but the weed isn’t the only concern when playing a fish the boats anchor chains are also a potential hazard so dumping the lead and a tight clutch are a must. The same balanced hook bait rig is in place a few hours before I get my first take, I can do nothing but hang on to what feels like a powerful fish which is taking line weather I like it or not and before long I can feel a slight grating then it goes solid knowing it’s either found a snag or the chain I decide to loosen the clutch and put the rod down……. A minute or so later line starts to slowly trickle off the spool and I’m playing the fish again but with only 20 yards to go the hook pulls !!
After quickly checking the mainline for damage I get the rod back out on the spot and drown my sorrows with a coffee. My second run on the same rod moves away from any potential snags this time and a 14lb common rolls over the net. The swim topped up with two handfuls of RB and an hour later I’m playing a fish for about 30 seconds when what first seemed like a hook pull turns out to be a cutoff ? I’m not sure if it was caused by a snag or a weakness to the line I may have missed. Shortly after that I pack up a little disappointed at the two I lost but three runs through the day isn’t so bad. The weeks ahead will be about location more than any other time this season so traveling light in case I need to move will be a must.
To be continued